Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Medical Hold and Crazy Counting Down

Hello Everyone!

Long time no write, so I thought I should probably give everyone an update. :)

Of course nothing in the Peace Corps process could be as easy as going through a year of application crazyness and then getting your letter and going so I am now on medical hold for two things: the first is that I have yet to go out and get my yellow fever shot, which is very much a fixable problem and I will be going to the travel clinic on Friday to have it done. The second...not so much. About four months ago doctors found a blood clot in my leg. At no point was I ever planning to not tell Peace Corps about it but I wanted to wait until my rounds of medication were done and the problem was resolved so that my application wouldn't get held back before receiving a country. By the time I got my invitation I was only three days away from getting the results, so again, figured I could wait.

Of course, as per usual, the results were not positive and the clot was not completely gone (though very much lessened.) I am getting my next scans on friday but am scared out of my mind that they won't come back clean. I don't know what would happen at that point since we are past the two month countdown by way of time to leave. I might get bumped out of the program, I might get bumped out of peace corps altogether (though I feel that the first option is probably more likely since I will not be on medication forever.)

As scary as all of this is, and as much as I am still hoping I am leaving on January 23rd, I'm also not losing sleep over it. Things tend to work themselves out, and if Peace Corps doesn't send me to South Africa there will be other opportunities to get there some day. I'm trying not to lose my head over anything at this point and will try and take whatever comes as it comes.

On a different note, less than two months if all goes well!!!!!

