Care Package List

I would like to start things off by saying thank you for even giving this page a click because it means you want to send something to me, and that is sweet. J You are so wonderful...and pretty/ handsome, and smart and did I mention that your pants are very slimming?

So anyways, on this page is going to be a list of “standard” care package items, meaning that I will want them no matter when you are sending stuff. On the occasion there is also going to be a “Christmas List”, meaning the stuff that is within reason that I’m only going to need one of. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not send anything that is going to be of any sort of hardship for you; also, if you are thinking of sending something on my Christmas list, email or facebook me first. I will try and take stuff off here as soon as I can.

As I said before, thank you so much for coming to this page, even if it is so you can know what a Peace Corps Botswana Volunteer wants sent to her.

- Letters and pictures, seriously from anyone and everyone. If we haven’t talked since high school and you want to send me a letter I will be thankful and grateful...hell, make that elementary school. You don’t even have to know me to send me a letter!
-Crystal Light in whatever flavor you can get your hands on, especially those little single serve packets.
-Candy- if we are getting specific: jolly ranchers, tootsie rolls, tootsie pops, starbursts, M&Ms (only between April-October) but I will take anything and I love surprises
-Coloring books, I work at a pre-school twice a week and they love to color
-Crayons, markers, pens (see above)
-Cat treats (Bambino thanks you)
-Dried Parmesan, the kind you put on pasta that comes in that green bottle
-Zip lock baggies, quart size or larger
-Spices/ cheese/ seasoning: whatever you can get your hands on, and I have pasta, so if you want to send me mac n' cheese, just send the cheese part.
-Hot chocolate powder!
-Trail mix
-Incense in any and all scents
-Instant pudding, any flavor
-Maple syrup
-Coffee (whole bean, full caffeine please)
-Letters. I cannot emphasize this enough, your words and thoughts and daily goings on are the best gift and the cheapest on your end of things.  

Anything you can think of is probably something I want, so be creative and go nuts!
Thanks again, love you all tons!

p.s. Please put "Used Educational Materials" on the declaration, otherwise it is more likely to get riffled through and it also might get taxed. 

Claire Psarouthakis
PO Box 224
Ramokgonami, Botswana

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