Thursday, March 19, 2020

Day #6

Day #6
Global: 244,517
US: 14,250
MN: 89

- State Department has told all Americans not to travel abroad, and those abroad should return home
- Italy surpassed China in death toll
- My own observation: this is the first time the US total has doubled in less than 24hrs

I'm low energy from a hectic day of work. My partner and I ordered Chinese food and watched some TV, and I wrote the below email to my coworkers. Forgive the copy/paste, more tomorrow.

Hello All,

I know there are so many of us that are struggling to figure out how, in our professional capacity, we can best help our community in this time of need. This on top of our own obligations to ourselves and our families is a monumental challenge to take on. Our organization is good at a great many things, but immediate disaster relief is not one of them, and that is okay. I found myself getting to the end of the last few days and feeling weird that I had been working around this pandemic and its impact in our community ALL DAY, but didn’t feel like I was having impact as an individual myself. If you are like me, and might benefit from having some direct impact, here are some of the things I’m doing that you’re welcome to join.

  • I have a 2pm platelet donation scheduled for next Tuesday at the Minneapolis Red Cross. They are taking extra precautions to keep people safe, and are also in desperate need for donors at the moment. Platelet donation takes about three hours, and you get to hang out under warm blankets. 😊
    • To my gay male colleagues, I’m sorry that a homophobic system continues to leave you out of this option, I couldn’t find a donation alternative online, but please let me know if you have one.
  • The United States Peace Corps is in the midst of a global evacuation (over 7,000 Volunteers and US staffers.) As a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer this is near and dear to my heart. As we are scrappy bunch, and since all Volunteers are being asking to quarantine for 14days upon arrival (which won’t be possible in family homes that have a high risk member), Volunteers are organizing on a single facebook group. If you can make a direct financial gift to an evacuated Volunteer (mostly to help with food or rent), or are able to provide support (housing, transportation, job resources) you can find the google sheets here. I gave $30 to a volunteer who is living in his storage pod until federal funds come in, and needed gas money. I have been using the facebook page to get word out about 2-1-1 as well so if we hear about any Peace Corps calls, you’re welcome!
  • As the partner of a chef, and a person who has worked in the restaurant industry on and off over the course of my lifetime, it has been heartbreaking to see food friends be laid off. This also applies to those in the arts. I’m in the process of sending out a list of favorite restaurants, local retailers, and theaters to my family, and I’m asking them to buy my birthday and Christmas gifts early by purchasing gift cards from these places. If we want these beloved places to continue existing, we have to help them more than ever now.
    • Also, regardless of your love for Chinese food, put one on your list; we have seen an increased amount of hate filled attacks on our neighbors of Asian decent and Asian food establishments started suffering early on in this panic.

This email’s purpose is not to suggest that we should take on these ideas as an organization, I am writing this because despite the amazing work we are doing right now, I was feeling frustrated and I can imagine you might be as well. Additionally, I’m always here to chat, grab digital coffee or happy hour, show you how to work Instacart, send you food on a delivery service if you really need it, or to meditate/ pray on you and your loved ones behalf.

I hope you all have a wonderful evening, and I could not think of a better bunch of folks to be working with right now.

Peace and love,

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