Monday, May 23, 2011

Peace Out Medical Guy

So I received a reply on the email I sent to my Medical Contact about what I should be expecting now that I have mailed off all of my medical forms. Below is the response:

Please note that it can take anywhere from 10-20 days for the kit to be entered into your medical record.  Mail is screened at an off-site security facility (as is all government mail) and takes a little while to actually get here.
Your next step is to simply allow us time to review your kit.  Expect an update in 4-6 weeks.

Pre-Service Unit

Greg no longer works for Pre-Service.


You are going to wait, and then when you are done with that you are going to wait some more. Don't get your panties in a bunch, we will be taking our sweet time since we only have a bazillion other applications that came in before yours.

Pre-Service Unit

p.s. your buddy don't work here no mo'

What the heck?!?! Greg the Peace Corps guy peaced out on me? :( He was so helpful and comforting in his emails, and I swear the only person I have spoken to within the organization, other than the campus reps, that has treated me like a person (as can be seen from the automaton nature of this email.) Don't get me wrong, I know that Peace Corps is huge, and I didn't really expect anything different, and they have always been professional, but it was nice to have a person to talk to who was willing to explain things to me on the level of a two year old...which is what I need. 

So farewell Greg the Medical Dude!!  I wish you big and wonderful things in your life ahead and hope you in a happier place. :)


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