Thursday, August 4, 2011

Medically Cleared!!!!

WOOHOOO!!!! I just got the status update that I have been medically cleared to serve!! I had no idea it was going to be that quick, but I sent in the last of the paperwork yesterday and am now good to go. :)

Of course, Peace Corps being Peace Corps, about 5 seconds after getting the update email I got another email from a placement officer asking for more paper work. I have to submit a final transcript (which I still need to write one more paper for,) an up dated resume and a form called a Romantic Involvement Questionaire. The somewhat annoying point of this is that I already submitted an RIQ when I first applied for Peace Corps and I can't imagine that the answers are going to be any different and I have also been sending them "resume updates" since December.

So...for those of you out there who might be doing the same thing, just stop, they are going to ask for it again once you clear medical anyways.

Super pumped, going to get the paper work in quickly and hopefully figure out where the heck I am going sometime soon!!!

Keep you updated, hope all is going well,


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