Monday, February 13, 2012


Botswana!!! My invitations finally came in the mail and I am being assigned to Botswana, departing April 10th to work as an NGO Capacity Building volunteer :)I'm REALLY happy about this assignment :D

More to come!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


As per usual, just when I think I am going to be waiting forever and an ass to hear from Peace Corps, they surprise me and contact me immediately. My new invitation is in the mail and should be here within 7-10 business days!!!

The assignment is for Sub-Saharan Africa leaving in early April, and unlike last time I will not be looking it up on peacecorpswiki. As much as I am tempted I think it will be more fun to open the packet this time around and be completely surprised. I will still be working with HIV/AIDS issues and I could not be more thrilled :)

Thank you all for your support, will let you know when the packet gets here!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Information Gathering

I decided last week that I would call the Placement Office every day this week until I got some answers...damnit! I was all pumped up and being assertive and whatnot. Turns out my week long battle for information was more a a one day surge, since I spoke to someone right away and she gave me all the info I wanted.

My placement officer will be contacting me within the next two weeks about getting reassigned since my file has already been "under consideration." They are currently looking at assignments for me leaving within the 3rd or 4th quarter (3rd quarter being April-June, 4th being July-September.) This time around I am not going to be cross checking with peacecorpswiki, because I kinda think it would be more of a fun surprise to not know. I looked at the site once more today and am going to attempt to avoid it until I get a new invitation packet.

Things are looking up!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Catch Up

ALRIGHTY! So a ton has happened since the last time I posted and I have an open bit of time so I am going to properly catch everyone up on all my comings and goings.

As you may be able to tell by the fact that I am posting at all, I am not in South Africa with the rest of SA25 right now. After finding the blood clot in my leg and alerting Peace Corps to the fact that I was going to have to continue treatment via medication after my first "check up" scan, they gave me a few weeks to have it cleared and then when it wasn't, they took me out of the training group. I totally understand this decision on their part seeing as a clot (DVT) can lead to some pretty serious medical repercussions and that getting weekly blood tests would not be possible while in the field. It was a really hard day when I woke up to the email from my nurse letting me know that I was being removed, but I tried to stay positive about it and the people in my training group (whom I connected with through facebook) were all really supportive.

So fast forward to a few weeks ago, I went to see a specialist who said he was going to take me off medication to perform the proper tests to see if I am genetically predisposed to clots or if this was just a weird mixture of birth control and a long train ride. If it was genetic I would be done with my Peace Corps journey since the medication that would be required to treat me FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE is on the "no go" list. If it was just a combination of my settings then I could come off medication and be good to go. :)

Turns out I am NOT genetically predisposed!!!! I flipped out, because other than having to wear old person compression socks for the next year and a half, I can be off medication and I have no life restrictions. Shortly after faxing the results to PC medical I was put back into active consideration (I had been on medical hold so long they took me out of the process completely) and cleared once again for Placement!

So that gets us back to right now. I am waiting to hear from Placement at all since I have no idea if I have to re-interview or if they are just going to send me another assignment. I have decided that I will be calling the offices on Monday to figure out what is going on to some degree since I haven't heard anything from them. I'm crossing my fingers to be out of here in the next four months but knowing PC there is going to be some sort of monkey wrench that will keep me here longer. At the end of the day I'm giving them till November 1st to get me out of the country. At that point I will have been in the application process just shy of 2yrs, and as much as I am dedicated to being a volunteer, I will not keep my life in limbo forever.

Much love to everyone, as usual comments are appreciated, and I will try and be more consistent with posting!
