Sunday, December 1, 2013

Win Me A Book!

Just wanted to remind everyone that the Indiegogo Campaign (its like Kickstarter) for The GENDER Book starts today!!! To pre-order your, your mother's, your father's, your dentist's, your doctor's, your priest's and your crazy Aunt Millie's copy go to:

Also, consider linking this project up with people you think may be interested, as well as resource centers, libraries and other institutions. Below I have copy pasted the emails I sent out "around town" and you should feel free to use them! I included phrases that allude to the fact that I am in Peace Corps, because I feel like the organization lends itself to some sort of perceived moral high ground, and that I wouldn't just be a rando sending emails (my email signature has my job title in it.) 

At this point y'all may be asking about why a Peace Corps Volunteer is spending so much time plugging a project back in the states. The reason this is happening is because I believe that we need to do everything we can to support the projects, campaigns, and work of those we see improving the world, because a lot of times that work is thankless. I think educating people on gender in the US ultimately may lead to more educated people around the world, and that means Botswana benefits in a round about way. 

In a more direct way, I just ordered a copy that will be donated to the Rainbow Identity people here in Bots at the end of my service. 

So go purchase a book, and use the link pasted above because, if a ton of you do it, I could win a free copy, which I then promise to donate to an LGBTQ support group here.

Check back in here soon to hear about my Thanksgiving, how the gender camp in Salajwe went, and about the two new grants I am working on to start a tree nursery in my community and get the pre-school roof fixed! (And yes, you all will be asked to donate to that as well once it is up and running.)

Hugs and smooches, 
Sent to: the district library system in my home town


I just wanted to alert you guys to an awesome book project that I think you guys should get involved in; its called The GENDER Book, and they just launched their Indiegogo campaign today for the month of December. The book is an illustrated 101 guide to gender. In their words: 

"The GENDER book is a colorful visual primer on the world of gender. It's a 90-page, fully-illustrated, educational book that teaches - and unteaches - some of the basics of gender theory in a way that is super fun, non-judgy, and full of COLOR. It's a handsome hardback book that you can sit and read in one sitting." 

I don't know what the process is to get a book stocked in the INSERT LIBRARY NAME HERE, but they are currently only planning on printing copies that have been pre-ordered this month since it is a self funded project and bulk orders are cheaper. As someone who grew up in INSERT TOWN NAME HERE I think this is a resource that compliments the type of open, expressive education that the community is a fan of, and I believe that this could be an AMAZING book for teens that want to learn about gender or who may be struggling with identity issues of their own. I'm currently using the e-book while working with LGBTQ youth in Botswana while serving in the US Peace Corps. 

This is the website:

Just thought I would let you guys know about the project, would love to see this stocked when I come home!

Much Love from a Life Long DISTRICT LIBRARY NAME fan, 
Sent to: the MSU Library Resource Referral Person, it was accompanied by a standard information form.

I know I just referenced you guys to a kickstarter campaign but its only because I think having a gender education resource like this would benefit both the student and overall community at Michigan State and in East Lansing. This book could be used as a basic building block for gender research, and as a personal research guide for students and community members who may be exploring gender (theirs or other peoples.) As an Alumni I would love to see this stocked in our collection! Needs to be ordered this month though, so please put try and put a rush on whatever process needed to purchase a book, and check out the page I listed in the "Publisher" box. Thanks so much!
Sent to: A form on my former public school system's website, asking for suggestions

I think NAME OF PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM should look into stocking "the GENDER book" in your High School libraries (maybe even for the Middle Schools as well?) It is a wonderful 101 resource on gender that could be used for students who might be interested in gender, or who may have questions about their own. They have an Indiegogo campaign this month for pre-orders since it is a community funded project.

As an  Alumni I would love to see this resource available to students!

Sent to: LGBTQ Student organizations and resource centers for University of Michigan and Michigan State

Hello ___________ Center, 

I wanted to bring your attention to a possible resource you might be interested in called "the GENDER book." In the creators words it is:

"A colorful visual primer on the world of gender. It's a 90-page, fully-illustrated, educational book that teaches - and unteaches - some of the basics of gender theory in a way that is super fun, non-judgy, and full of COLOR. It's a handsome hardback book that you can sit and read in one sitting."

They just launched an Indiegogo Campaign at:

I'm trying to get the word out because I think this could be a wonderful resource for the entire community and would love to see it around the TOWN NAME area. I don't know if you have a physical resource collection, but you should add this to it if so! I also figured you might be the ones to contact in order to get in touch with interested parties in the LOCAL AREA Trans* community.

I hope you will consider supporting the campaign, and that all is going well state side! (I added a "Go Green!" to the one for MSU because I am a Spartan for life and this is the customary sign off.)


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