Monday, November 21, 2016

Tactical Compassion

I gave a safety pin to a Trump supporter yesterday...

She asked if she could have one from the box in my cubicle and I explained what it meant. I told her that the pin itself meant little, because a pin can't start a conversation, lead someone to safety, or insert itself in dangerous situation, but she could. She asked if I thought people would think she was a hypocrite for wearing it (she had made it clear through social media, who she voted for), and I told her they might, and that she could be getting some very legitimate anger her way. "But if you truly believe that you are willing and able to provide a safe place for people of color, immigrants, Muslims and queer folks like me, I think it may be even more important that people like you wear this." She agreed she would do it, and we talked about getting lunch at some point in the future. I don't know if I could have the full conversation with her about the impact of her vote, without getting angry, right now, but I want to. I want to listen to why this kind human being in my life, would put her most basic political power behind a person so vile. I want to understand, and more importantly, I want her to understand, we NEED to understand. So I gave a Trump supporter a safety pin yesterday, and I think my heart hurt a little less in the process. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Last First Day!

Here it is folks, my last first day of school! I of course am saying this with the sincere hope that I don't get it stuck in my mind to go for a PhD at any point, though goodness knows that might happen a bit farther down the line. Anyhoo, here is what you have missed while I have been away.

I'm currently working for the Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department, within their Integrated Planning and Analysis Unit. I really couldn't be happier this with job, as it allows me to take on project from across county departments. For example, at the moment I'm working as part of a task force to end chronic homelessness in Hennepin County before the end of 2017 (learn more at while also helping out some folks that are running a program to help children that have been take from their homes by CPS, to have an easier transition in school. I will get to stay in this position until the end of the year, and I really couldn't be more thankful for the opportunity. 

Part way through the summer I was invited to TA for one of my favorite classes last year, AKA Qualitative Analysis Methods. I know this might not sound exciting for most of you, but I'm really into it. I get to teach lab, and help student work their way through a semester long research project. This was the same class I did research on individuals who use the term "queer" in their sexual orientation labels last year, and it was pretty epic. :) First lab tomorrow, I'm going to show these peeps how to write a bang up literature review, and we are going to talk about the IRB process!!! Okay...maybe I do need a PhD?

On top of this I was elected as the Chair of the Gender, Sex and Policy Events Committee at the Humphrey, and will be finishing out my term as the elected Community Engagement Chair for the Public Affairs Student Association. Just so we are keeping on top of the math, that is 14 credits, 20hrs of county work a week, 10 hrs of TA work a week, and 2 different student groups. 

I'm also auditioning for One Voice (which, hereto after shall be referred to as "Gay Choir") because music makes me happy, and it is okay for it to take up time in my life. 

The cats are well, my partner is awesome, no one in my family has cancer any more (congrats Mom and Lil Bro bro!), and though life is busy, I'm really happy. 

More check-ins to come!

Hugs and smooches, 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Goodness it has been a while! I said I would try and post regularly and then, as per usual, life got a bit in the way. It isn't that life wasn't in the way during Peace Corps, just that life was slower, and more relaxed, and life here...well, isn't.

I've been feeling good lately, my want to board a plane to anywhere only comes up once every month or so. The work I am doing, both academically and professionally feels important, like I'm setting things up and accomplishing them all in one. I have a qualitative project I'm excited about, I'm presenting a policy brief I have been working on for the last five months to my bosses bosses at the County Election Office, and I have been offered an internship in New York, had a successful interview for one in Washington DC, and have moved on to the next level of review for another job in the county here (which would be paid, and run for a year!)

My partner has been invited to interview for a new job next week. Mom and Little Brother are in remission, my Little Sister received a summer fellowship with NOA, and Dad is going to be able to start rowing off his stress in just a week from now on the water.

I was elected to the Community Engagement Chair of the Public Affairs Student Association and I believe that I am going to be able to implement a "Rent-a-Grad" program similar to a program we used while I was an undergraduate rower at State. I have a few hundred dollars in my budget and I am hoping to be able to support a program called Laundry Love that opens up a laundromat for free washes for people that need them.

I had an allergic reaction to tuna, and now know what hives look/feel/itch like...

My partner and I are going to take the Foreign Service Exam this summer and I'm currently studying under a 20yr Foreign Service Vet learning about bilateral and multilateral diplomacy.

We don't have bugs!

I got to speak to family and friends back in Bots for the first time in a few months and it felt really wonderful. The want to get back to that side of the world is still pretty intense, but with new job possibilities around the corner, maybe not as far off as I thought it would be?

Sanders is on a roll :)

I will try and be better about this whole updating thing, no promises though.
