Thursday, October 26, 2017

Performance Piece

Hello All!

Long time since I have posted, but I needed a space to put something out into the world, and I figured this was as good a time as any to restart this old blog. I spent last weekend at the One Voice Mixed Chorus Retreat, and was a part of the "No Singing Talent Show." The piece below was written for said show, and performed by yours truly. Haven't done this type of writing in forever, but I'm kinda proud of this one, and a few folks asked for copies. 

Should I really be able to screw my courage to the sticking place I may even post a video of me performing this a bit later. We will see ;)


Are you a boobs or an ass gal?

Though I provide a response
I tuck my secrete desire back into the folds of my mind and smile wicked at the thought of 
The true parts of my affection
The pieces of a human that grab my attention
The bits that never escape my detention

I’m a hands gal

I’ve fallen in love with so many hands I could fill a rock concert
A parade of royals
And a classroom full of eager students who have the answer on the
Tip of their tongues
That I could be a glove upon that hand
The dough beneath that hand
The hand within that hand

I’ve salivated rivers over hard working hands
Bloodied my knees worshiping at the alter of callouses
Hands with burns and cuts and scars
Played out in a historical inventory across the galaxy of a palm
A constantly carried autobiography written with blisters and missing fingernails

I can’t help but do a double take and a once over
As I watch soft, supple hands create music, prose, policy, and policy that is prose
Building seamless bridges between the mind and the world

The fierce poetic beauty of a hand is juxtaposed by the havoc it can wreck
I’ve watched hands bludgeon and beguile
Beat and bless
Berate and birth
I’ve become breathless as activists hands joined together
Face to face with brutality
Rising in fists and
Climaxing in liberty

Our stories are cradled in the palms of our hands

I fell in love with her whittling hands first
Building worlds from imagination just think of the places they will take me
I’ve watched those hands knead, and stretch and pull
And whether it’s working in the earth or working on me
I trust those hands
Hers are strong hands
And home hands
And a home for my hands, hands

Are you a boobs or an ass gal?

It’s all in the hands.

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