Monday, March 28, 2011


So I have started this new blog because after having to reference the blogs of at least half a dozen other volunteers and return volunteers I think it would be beneficial for those who might be in my same position to have another blog to look at. I hope to use this blog to document my Peace Corps (PC) process and eventually (fingers crossed) my deployment and adventures during service.

I also hoped that this could be a tool for my friends and family to keep up with what is going on and how I am doing. I will give the same warning as I did on my personal blog: I have known to be a bit dramatic and at some times even shockingly so, so don't worry if I go all emotional on you at times and just know it comes from the best of places within my heart.

Since I am not on the ball completely I am going to have to re cap a bit.

Here is where I am at right now (this next part might be a bit much for male readers so read at your own risk): I have received all the needed paperwork for optical evaluation, dental evaluation (I still have one set of x-rays I still need to get), and basic physical. I am still working on my foot doctor guy and my pap and pelvic abnormal result.

Foot doctor guy: I haven't seen the original doctor in years and so am going to have to go back to him to get him to fill out the paper work.

Pap and Pelvic: this is were things get "complicated." I received an abnormal pap a few weeks ago and now have to go in for a colposcopy. I had more paper work sitting in my mail box this morning for this procedure sent to me by the pre-service nurses and according to what that said I have to get my doctor to sign off that I am okay to not have another exam for 15 months. I don't know if this is going to go over well since the last time I had an abnormal pap she required that I come in every 6 months. At this point I can only wait till April 20th (date of my colposcopy) and cross my fingers that everything turns out well.

The other thing that the paper work mentioned was that I am now only going to be eligible for countries that have proper gynecological facility access. Now as far as I know this could mean I am not going to a few countries or it could mean there are whole regions that I am no longer able to serve in, but I emailed the pre service nurse and am hoping to hear back on how this might affect my placement.  

So needless to say, to any of you people thinking about joining up, and I am sure you have already heard this, the medical clearance of PC is the biggest pain in the butt. If I can get mine entirely done within the next two months I will be super happy.

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