I'm going to the Rainbow Nation! On January 23rd I will be leaving for what I suspect to be Washington DC and then heading to South Africa on the 26th. I haven't yet officially accepted the invitation since there are some questions I need the the answers to first, but at this point I don't see myself turning things down. Anyway, I was really excited to receive the invitation and am even more thrilled with my HIV/AID Prevention and Mitigation position.
Figured I would post this up, it will be the first entry to show up on peacecorpsjournals.com as a South African entry, and I am hoping to be able to contact some of my fellow volunteers before we leave. If you have also received an invitation for SA Jan 23rd please comment!!!!
Much love to everybody,
Figured I would post this up, it will be the first entry to show up on peacecorpsjournals.com as a South African entry, and I am hoping to be able to contact some of my fellow volunteers before we leave. If you have also received an invitation for SA Jan 23rd please comment!!!!
Much love to everybody,