Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Finger's Crossed

Within the next week I will know where I am going for Peace Corps, and I know until then it will be a constant checking of the mail to see if the invitation has arrived yet. After poking around wikki I am pretty sure that I will be heading to either Zambia or South Africa.

So I have been doing a little bit of research in order to get a head start on getting to know these countries. To my shock I discovered that South Africa is one of the countries in which PC has you live with a host family for the entire duration of your service. This caught me off guard because the only other country I had heard in which that happens was Kazakhstan, and I kind of thought it wasn't something that happens a whole lot. To be honest, I am not sure what I think about this. Its not something I am going to get super worked up over until I get the invitation but it would definitely change up my mental picture of what service is going to be like.

It surprises me that PC does this at all to be honest. It seems like it adds one more variable that could go wrong into the equation. What if a family and a volunteer don't get along? Is there a possibility to change? I have heard many a horror story about bad home stay families within the study abroad community and it just worries me a bit.

But again, this really only applies if I end up going to South Africa. Zambia has an independent living situation and this may be a bump I don't even need to go over.

Just some thoughts, cross your fingers for me, can't wait to get the big white envelope!!!


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