Friday, September 20, 2013

Gender Poem!

Part of some of my LGBT work here has been trying to connect the Bots community with an EXCELLENT project back in the states, called The Gender Book! Part of this involves signing up to be a Gender Scout, meaning I help do some street promotion for the project. Obviously, this is difficult to do any place but online while I am here. That being said, I have written a poem with a gender theme that I would like all of you to enjoy:

The African Princess

The swish of her skirt
The rouge of her lips
The dance of her hips
No realer a woman ever walked the dirt catwalk the way she struts
Proud, with head held high, and hair blowing in the breeze
Having fought for a pronoun title hard earned, one she never knew was hers by right
The African Princess apologizes to no one
Cargo short confines
A naked face
A stomping gait
Baggy pants and tshirt have never been more of a cage
Some accessories packed away while others having sprung from their rightful place
Their place packed away because they hide her true face
Into the political prison the African Princess goes, but not long will she stay

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Your poem won a prize. Check it out:

    Thanks for playing and keep up the good work. We love your support.
