Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Re Cap

Nothing too structured today, just wanted to let you all in on what is going on with life, and where things seem to be heading.

All the paperwork for the Ramokgonami Tree Nursery is done! Now I am just waiting for One Acre to fund the project online, wait a week or two and then have the funds in my account. I'm a little concerned that we are starting this project in the winter. When I had originally applied for this I thought we would be able to get the funds by February, which means we could have had at least a pseudo crop by the time the rain stopped and the cold rolled in, but I am thinking that is no longer going to be the case. This is not the end of the world since one of the main community contributors grows moringa, so really the more important part is the construction of the shelter and then the workshop training about how to harvest, and prepare the leafs and the seeds. Hoping we can have a test run with using the seeds to filter water out in the lands before I go, but only time will tell.

The LGBT support group is going on a retreat over the Easter weekend and I'm pretty pumped! I'm going to be running a workshop on Community Mobilization, as well as helping out with the talent show. I love this amazing group of people and I have yet to spend any amount of time with them without learning something new about the world, orientation and identity. Last meeting we had a creative outlet section and everyone was able to read poetry or share stories that touched them. Our President shared a story out of an Ivan Coyote book I gave to the group, and another individual wrote a rap about domestic abuse. I really want to try and get these wonderful people more resources before I go, by way of books, movies, literature and anything else I can get my hands on. If you have a lead on how I might be able to go about this, please leave a comment! (In the next month or so we are getting at least two copies of "the GENDER book which I could not be more stoked about.)

My water is still out, which is worrisome seeing as I have about 5 people coming to my house this weekend. My land lady has been out in the lands farming so I haven't been able to talk to her about whether or not she has received my rent from the Ministry of Health. It sorta irks me that she just put in a new fence, but then turns around and says she doesn't have money to pay the water bill...something here seems fishy to me.

Still working on trying to get the pre school roof fixed, at this point we need to set up a bank account so I can help them put together a crowd funding campaign.

It will be like this...but bigger
Because of my extension, and Janina's invitation to serve in Peace Corps Response in El Salvador for the next 8 months, my epic month long trip to Southeast Asia has been canceled. In its place I think I am going to attempt to summit Kilimanjaro.  I have had a few friends do this, and though I have never in my life climbed a mountain, I figure go big or go home...right? And when I say "big" I mean Africa's tallest peak, and the world's largest free standing mountain... The tentative plan is to try and get a bunch of PCVs together along with my Aunt's sister, who is currently living in Tanzania, and fly out around July 12th, spend 6 days on the mountain, and then have some recoup time in Zanzibar. Then I"M COMING HOME!!

I have been reading the Bhagavad Gita lately at both the suggestion of a friend and the want to expand my knowledge of different faith practices. This one is especially close to my heart since my partner is Hindu, and I want to try and have a deeper understanding of their religious beliefs. It is a truly beautiful piece of writing between Arjuna and Krishna, and talks a lot about ones eternal calling to devotion, as well as touching on the essence of "being." I was balancing this, with a book called Dancing in the Glory of Monsters which details the complex political intricacies of the Congolese wars. Yeah...apparently I have been feeling deep lately.

I'm trying to make sure I am able to get in shape for the possibility of the Kilimanjaro summit attempt, so I started doing a fun workout called "Slim in 6" while I was out this weekend in Gobojango visiting Janina. Holy heck...I...HURT...SO...BAD! But in a good way :) Going to try and do this at least 4-5 times a week, and may even start running at some point (I have never actually run as an adult due to a pretty major ankle injury, so we will see if this is even possible.) I have pretty much given up on yoga at this point, despite my want to be into it. I just have a hard time getting into workouts that aren't a little more cardio active. I was talking to my yogi friend Daniella about this and she said that my crazy jumping around, squat routine in Slim in 6 can be yoga too, it would just be an asana.
Claire "yoga"

What is an asana you ask?

"Basically, asana is any physical exertion practiced with steadiness and ease. Carried out in this way , the exertion decreases your restiveness and helps you contemplate the infinite. Eventually, you reach a state of equanimity with the outside world." ~Daniella

"Asana is mindful crazy yoga." ~Claire

I think this will probably more so apply to when I start rowing again, because there is something about being so incredibly in touch in a good row, when you are flowing with your boat, and the water is smooth, and everything is set, that I doubt doing lung squats in my kitchen will get me.

I have started the process of attempting to get an internship with Equality Michigan and in said process spiffied up my resume and cover letter writing skills! It sounds like I am going to be gunning for an internship in their Advocacy department with split time with the Public Policy department, which I'm all about, especially seeing what is currently going on in Michigan when it comes to the fight for equal rights.

I'm have been writing a lot lately, and that makes me happy.

So that is pretty much it, trying to stay strong while I'm going crazy with work here, but I sorta love it. I have a check list for the day that I am about half way through, so its time to go get on the other half and then go home to clean...WOOT!

Hugs and smooches,

p.s. If there are any people out there who emailed me questions about serving in Peace Corps Botswana and I did NOT respond to you, please shoot me another line. Life has been crazy lately, and I promise I am not ignoring you :)

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