Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Medical Review Has Started!

I just love that stomach-dropping-out-of-your-butt feeling when you get the "Your Toolkit has been updated" emails in the morning. Checked in to see what it was all about and, as promised by the pre service nurse I talked to a few weeks ago, my nomination "batch" has gotten to the medical review portion of the process. I freaked out a little when I saw the big red HOLD right next to the medical check mark but the fine print says that, that just indicates that it is being gone over and that if they need any more information they will call or let me know.

So did anyone else wake up to this? I'm super pumped that something is moving in the right direction, seeing as the news that I had missed my originally nominated group was a bit of a downer. On a happy note, I took a one week job as a choir camp counselor for August since I am pretty sure I won't be leaving that soon with all the push backs. I hope I don't end up having to smack myself in the face for that one, though it would be like Peace Corps to offer me a new position after I take a job in August.

Hope this finds you all well, as per usual: feel free to comment and due the little survey thingy on the side bar.

Much Love,

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