Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pre-Holiday Reflection

Not going to be a super long post, but wanted to let you know that I am still on top of my month of letter writing and that, interestingly enough, just by posting the goals that I did, I have started to be more mindful of them. I have been getting out of bed earlier, I have been making myself breakfast, I read a book on Judaism yesterday, and I washed my hair last night... when really I could have gone at least another two days before it started to smell ;)

I think this one year project is going to be really good for me, and I'm looking forward to taking it on. I am going to swap out next month's goal with another one though, since it is dark until around 7am here now, and it will be easier to enjoy the morning when I have light.

I have a really fun post I am writing about seasons, and since we have a national holiday here tomorrow I am going to work on it and post it either saturday or sometime next week. Other plans for tomorrow: write more, do laundry, crochet, watch Glee (I got a couple seasons from a friends hard drive), hang out with my cat. So basically...what any stereotypical old spinster lady would do on her day off...

Hugs and smooches to all,

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