Monday, April 4, 2011

Funny Stories

Figured I would fill you in on a few funny stories since I don't have anything new to report within the application process and I would like to get into the habit of making sure that I update as much as possible. With that in mind there have been a few funny stories I have heard over the course of talking to people and seeing what PC is going to be like that I would like to share with the rest of you all.

The first comes from Ty in the campus recruiting office. He was talking to me about people that don't really think about what service is going to be like before they leave to go to their placement and told me about a person that worked themselves up SO much on the trip over that they refused to get off the plane and went straight back home instead. In order to avoid this kind of story I plan on making sure I am totally pooped before I get on the plane. I may even consider investing in one of those weird looking neck pillows that some people have. I have always thought about getting one and what better time to than when I might be stressed/ freaking out? I also hope to have made some friends during the stagging process which should mean I have support in taking my first few steps (literally) into PC.

The second story comes from Buddy, a friend of my Mother's who served in Mali in the 80's. Buddy told us this story over a dinner that we had at our house when he came to chat it up about his experience with PC. This one involves a couple that got into PC (couple can now apply only after they have been married a year and both are qualified, cool part is, is that they will be placed together.) Apparently these people made it off the plane and into the hotel room they were going to be staying in for a few nights before they went to the training site. The kicker comes when the wife opens one of the couple suitcases that they brought and everyone realizes that she has packed an entire suitcase full of toilet paper. My plan for avoiding this kind of story is to not pack toilet paper in a suitcase...seems straight forward enough...

There was also the guy that said he was going to stick around only until he got sick and peaced out a few months later after getting malaria. And lastly the couple that came back and had been so used to their laid back style of living in PC American Samoa that they argued over who had to walk to the end of the driveway to get the mail every morning. I guess when push comes to shove these stories are both for entertainment as well as a reminder that when going into this experience you have to be reasonable in what your expectation are. This is not an easy under taking, it is not the gold paved road you are choosing, and it is going to be uncomfortable, challenging and difficult in a mirad of ways I can only image right now.

I'm going into this experience with this mind set in the hopes that it will be easier to cope as well as maybe even pleasantly surprising on the days when things happen to be easy going. It is all about the mental challenge, once you get over that the physical stuff can't be too bad. :)

Much Love,

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